Create Containers

I ran into a very similar issue. I was able to fix it by explicitly defining then exporting the Routes function from src/Routes.js. So I changed this:

export default function Routes() {
return (


To this:

function Routes() {
return (


export default Routes;

Hope that helps!

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Hmm we are still using an older and more stable version of react-bootstrap@0.33.1.

We’ll update to the newer version in the future.

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This is a newbie question, but I’m really trying to understand how CSS functions with ReactJS.

I’m trying to change the Navbar. I’ve been able to change the color of the navbar to red using .navbar-default in App.css. I was able to change the color of the text in the .navbar-brand. But for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to change the color of the text or the onhover and active background color for the two link items (settings and logout).

Can someone point me in the right direction? Thank you!

@paulfries This is most likely because some other CSS rule is taking precedence over yours. You can check this in Safari’s Web Inspector for example by turning on the “Hover” option for the element you are trying to target and seeing which rule is being applied.

I am receiving and error: “ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: expect” Any ideas?

Where are you getting this error? It looks like it’s trying to run some Jest related code?

It was in the local host browser. I ended up deleting all files for the front-end and starting over at that point. This error did not occur again.

Thank you for the tutorial and replying to all my questions.

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