Hey guys - I have just completed the tutorial and love it!
What is the best local development workflow for the tutorial. It is important for me to be able to set up a local development environment that can be used offline. Has anyone setup an environment with the services used in the AWS tutorial:
I am guessing mocking out urls or event.requestContext.identity and possibly running localstack.
Ok to answer my own question and for anyone that stumbles upon this looking for a quick setup, so you can run and debug the functions locally - this works:
Set headers in client for cognito eg… cognito-identity-id: USER-SUB-1234
You need to set migration to true in the serverless.yml, even if you dont seed or it will not generate the table
I just used the data out of the mocks to post and retrieve notes - worked pretty easy.
There is also an example on https://github.com/serverless/examples/tree/master/aws-node-rest-api-with-dynamodb-and-offline (new members can only post 2 links)