Link to chapter —
This tutorial was great! Just one problem: I successfully deployed to prod but when I execute the command for the prod cli (npx sst console --stage prod
) it looks like I need to specify a port somehow? This is what’s returned: SST Console:
Oh good catch. We just rolled out a fix for it in:
I’m having an issue with the sst remove
command - not just here but with the notes demo app in the guide. I run the command and everything goes off without a hitch. Then, without changing anything else, I try to rebuild it with sst start
. The command executes, building the app just as you would expect until it gets to the step where it attempts to create the Dynamo DB at which point I get this error:
This is especially strange because when I log into the aws console and view my dynamo db tables I can see that I don’t have any. I even checked via the aws cli with
aws dynamodb list-tables
and I don’t have any tables.
Following up on this post. Turns out, my aws-cli and console had different default regions set from what is specified in my sst.json. Once I synced my aws cli to the right region via aws configure set default.region us-east-1 and used the aws dynamodb list-tables
I was able to see all the tables generated through sst. However, even after setting the region, when I run sst remove
I still hit the same error. I had to manually use the aws cli to delete the offending table: aws dynamodb delete-table --table-name dev-notes-Notes
Is there anything in this example or SST in general that would make working with Expo over just plain React Native better/easier?
Hey guys! I’ve trying to create a Expo app but my SST console is looking like this:
Furthermore, if I try to run the frontend I’m seeing this error on my web:
ConfigError: Cannot resolve entry file: The
field defined in your package.json
points to an unresolvable or non-existent path.
I now the example use expo start --android but I’m trying to run it on web as well.
Thank you.