Create a DynamoDB Table in SST

I have two questions:

  1. In Remove Template Files section, is my-stack a placeholder?

  2. npx sst start had previously created two stacks. ([See the post I detailed about it]
    (Create an SST app - #2 by omertoraman))
    However, when I ran npx sts remove my-stack, I don’t see any of my stacks on the CloudFormation Console being removed.
    The output of the npx sts remove my-stack is as follows:

Warning: Setting the stage in the "sst.json" will be deprecated soon. Read more about this change here:
Using stage: dev
Preparing your SST app
Transpiling source
Linting source
Removing dev-notes-my-stack

 ✅  dev-notes-my-stack

Stack dev-notes-my-stack
  Status: removed