Add a Create Note API
I’m new to webdev and loving this website. Sadly I am already getting an error so early into the lesson.
When I put serverless invoke local --function create --path mocks/create-event.json into the CMD I get an error saying DOTENV: Could not find .env file. and Function "create" doesn't exist in this Service
Are you still experiencing with this issue? If so,
can you please provide a screen shot of your file structure, serverless.yml file codes, and the create.js file codes from your code editor.
Had the same issue, this solution worked! Thank you!
Looked on my DynamoDB dashboard and it was set at US-West. Deleted the table and hit the location in the navbar and selected N. Virginia. Then I made a fresh notes table.
The tutorial doesn’t clearly mention you need to switch in the navbar before you create the table. Cost me some time to troubleshoot the problem.