Link to chapter — How to debug Lambda functions with Visual Studio Code | Serverless Stack
I’m using python 3.8 as my runtime rather than Node.js; when I run the Debug SST Start debug configuration, the app runs, but breakpoints are not triggered.
Is debugging of Python-based SST apps in Visual Studio Code currently supported?
Oh that debug config might be specifically for Node. You might’ve to play around with it.
Thanks, @jayair . I tried changing the type parameter in the Debug SST Start configuration to “python”, but when I press F5, I get the following:
Invalid message: either “program”, “module”, or “code” must be specified
If anyone has successfully configured their launch.json so that they can successfully debug SST apps that use a Python runtime, please share your launch.json configuration.
Obviously, this debugging setup doesn’t work anymore for Ion.
The launch.json config needs to change from
"runtimeArgs": ["start", "--increase-timeout"],
"runtimeArgs": ["dev"],
to start.
Haven’t figured out how to increase the timeout so far.
Also there is following warning:
Warning: You are using a global installation of SST but you also have a local installation specified in your package.json. The local installation will be used but you should typically run it through your package manager.
I also created an issue for it.