Creating a CI/CD pipeline for Serverless

Link to chapter -

Hi Jayair,

        You can replace most of this section with a service like Travis CI or CircleCI. It’s a bit more cumbersome...

In the text from the page above, because of the word ‘It’s’ in the second sentence it implies that Seed is the more cumbersome one because the ‘it’s’ is singular? Perhaps the Travis or Circle suggestions were introduced at different times and the ‘it’s’ wasn’t updated to they’re. Hope I’m making sense. Ehhm… perhaps Seed IS more cubersome? :smiley: Anyways I started down the CircleCI path because I though it was more robust and only really have time to spend on one.


Ah thanks for pointing that out. Yeah if you are comfortable with Circle and scripting it, go for it! We have some links in that chapter to help you out.