Set Custom Domains Through Seed


When I try to test the API I get the following error:
Invalid identity pool configuration. Check assigned IAM roles for this pool.

I have checked that the CognitoAuthRole is attached to the identity pool but it’s still not working. Any idea what could be wrong?

Hmm can you post the full command and output here?

I can see my domain in the drop down list and then select it, so I assume it is getting it from Route53, but when I add a new subdomain it then says
‘The DNS server for is not hosted on AWS Route 53.’

Hmm I think it might not be completely hosted on there. Are you sure it is on Route53?

Hey when setting the custom domain through seed I seem to be getting the following error:
There are no available API endpoints in your app. Please deploy a service with an API Gateway endpoint.

However I definitely do have API endpoints, any idea what might be going on?